Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the use of this website (the “Website”). Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Your use of the Website is confirmation that you have understood and agreed to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. Verona Pharma PLC (as defined below) may suspend your use of this site immediately if you do not comply with these terms and conditions.

Use of the Website
Users may not link any other website to the Website without obtaining the prior written consent of Verona Pharma PLC. Users must also not use the Website in a way which causes or may cause:

1 the Website or the service offered to be interrupted, damaged or impaired;

2 offense or detriment to any other person who uses the Website or any services offered;

3 Verona Pharma PLC, you or any other user of the Website to be in breach of any applicable law or regulation; or

4 detriment to any person who supplies services to Verona Pharma PLC in connection with the Website.

Access to the Website is not open to persons resident in, or citizens of any territory outside the United Kingdom where, to allow such access, would require any registration, filing, application for any license or approval or other steps to be taken by Verona Pharma PLC in order to comply with local laws or other regulatory requirements in such overseas territory. Verona Pharma PLC makes no representation that any material contained on the Website is appropriate for any other jurisdiction. The server on which the Website is maintained is located in England and the information delivered via the site is deemed to have been delivered in England. Should you choose to access this site from any location other than the United Kingdom, you are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.